
A FirewallMap contains one or more firewalls, you’ll often have a single firewall in your application, but if you have more specific needs, you have the ability to add another one.


You can configure a map by using the API.

var FirewallMap = require('node-firewall').FirewallMap,
    Firewall    = require('node-firewall').Firewall;

var map = new FirewallMap();

// create a new firewall
var fw = new Firewall('fw.main', '^/');
fw.add('^/login', null); // allow unauthenticated access on /login
fw.add('^/', 'user');    // all other resources require `user` role

// add it to the map

// ...

map.check(req, res, next);

You can also configure the FirewallMap using a plain old javascript object.

var FirewallMap = require('node-firewall').FirewallMap;

var map = new FirewallMap();
    'fw.main': {
        path:  '^/',
        rules: [
            [ '^/login', null   ],
            [ '^/',      ['role', 'user'] ]

// ...